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Tuesday 9 July 2013

on coffee house creativity....

Photo by Ariel Tarpey.

Scientists have confirmed what coffee drinkers have always known: coffee stimulates. And it's not just the caffeine and it's not just the sugar. It's the buzz and the hum.

Anahad O'Connor recently wrote in The New York Times:

"In a series of experiments that looked at the effects of noise on creative thinking, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign had participants brainstorm ideas for new products while they were exposed to varying levels of background noise. Their results, published in The Journal of Consumer Research, found that a level of ambient noise typical of a bustling coffee shop or a television playing in a living room, about 70 decibels, enhanced performance compared with the relative quiet of 50 decibels."

However, while background noise is good for creative work, quiet is better for detail work, the same study concluded.

So now I'm worried.

'Cause I think the level of ambient background noise inside my own head is much like a coffee house. And what if there's no quiet corner to go to?

For the complete article, go to

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