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Thursday, 2 January 2014

prolonged exposure to oxygen....

Wendy Stefansson. Prolonged Exposure to Oxygen, Day 3, 6:18:04 pm.
Copper leaf on sandstone.  2009

Prolonged exposure to oxygen can change things - even people.

The works in this post are photographs of an ephemeral outdoor installation I created on my mother’s beach in Prince Edward Island. I applied copper leaf to parts of the sandstone rocks, following their natural contours; finding their low points, their concavities.

Over the course of three days, I photographed the coppered rocks as they changed with exposure to the elements: tides, wave action, salt, water, wind and air. The copper quickly lost its brilliance, but in place of light there emerged a rainbow of colours. Light disintegrated into colour,
finding perfection in its brokenness.

Time changes things, but it’s all good. It’s all god.

Wendy Stefansson. Prolonged Exposure to Oxygen, Day 3, 6:18:04 pm.
Copper leaf on sandstone. 2009

Wendy Stefansson.  Prolonged Exposure to Oxygen, Day 2, 7:10:39 pm.
Copper leaf on sandstone. 2009

Wendy Stefansson. Prolonged Exposure to Oxygen, Day 3, 6:18:11 pm.
Copper leaf on sandstone. 2009

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